Event Details Inquirers Class Back to Calendar Twice a year the church offers an Inquirers Class to those who are considering membership or anyone interested in learning more about the vision and mission of our church. This class is designed to provide you with information about First Presbyterian Church and opportunities for you to become involved in ministry. It is also designed to answer some questions about what it means to be a believer in Christ, what it means to be a member of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), and what it means to be a member of First Presbyterian Church of Augusta. We will explore how you can become involved in the many ministry opportunities locally and around the world. Ministry Area: Inquirers Class When: Sunday, February 2, 202510:00 AM - 10:45 AM Add To Calendar Where: Main Campus642 Telfair StAugusta, GA 30901 Map This Meeting Instructions: The Inquirers Class meets for four consecutive Sundays, January 19-February 9, 2025 . Each participant will receive an Inquirers workbook to use in the class. The class will meet in Room 114. There will be an optional class dinner, date and time TBA. For those wishing to join, New Member vows and reception will be March 16. Contact: Tabb, Kelly Registration Not Available