Event Details G3 | Hope for Anxiety and Depression Back to Calendar What is the most painful part of depression-anxiety? Each person will have to answer that question for themselves, but one of the leading answers would have to be “the alone-ness.” Unfortunately, it is hard for us to admit, “I am depressed” or “I am controlled by fear” to those who care about us. For too many people, the broken and unspoken rules of depression-anxiety are: • Don’t talk about it. • Everything is fine. • No one will understand. This is a women's group which will learn how to break through the barrier of our own silence and work through a process of speaking about our journey. Ministry Area: Adult Discipleship Resources When: Sunday, February 23, 20254:30 PM - 6:00 PM Add To Calendar Where: Meeting Instructions: We meet on the main floor of the Baker House at 4:30 pm. If you are interested in joining this group, contact Liz Reid at the email address above or call 706-262-8855. Contact: Reid, Liz